Lent kind of snuck up on me this year, probably because of my roommate’s passing to her eternal reward and my life being turned upside down a bit. Perhaps things in your own life have had some twists and turns. Well Lent might just be the time to slow down a bit, take stock of ourselves and our spiritual lives. The Scriptures always tell us it is the “acceptable time” to consider this God of love in our lives individually and in our society and its needs.
As followers of Jesus we want to integrate his values into our own, live the beatitudes more fully, listen with the ear of our hearts to the words of Scripture this Lenten season. When we do this we have an immense potential for knowing God. When we learn how to deeply listen we can hear the voice of our Provident God speaking to us. This is the God who has called us as His own, who has redeemed us, and who wants to fill our life with graced possibilities for the future.
Beatrice Bruteau said in her book: The Easter Mysteries: “We are following Jesus as our archetype, as well as our teacher and our friend, the one who exemplifies the very transformation we are facing…we are going deeply into ourselves, dying to our former way of seeing, feeling, thinking, acting, in order to discover our secret self and be reborn into a new way of seeing, feeling, thinking, acting; and we are going deeply into Jesus, the exemplar, as he invites us deeper and deeper into himself as the Loving Way.”
Once again the WPC offers six prayer services, one for each week of Lent and a brief reflection for Ash Wednesday. We will be using quotes from our various publications and writers over the years. Use them individually or with local communities, or faith sharing groups…whatever you deem best.
May our Lenten journey be one of listening with the ear of our heart, and experiencing our Provident God in grace-filled transformations.
Happy Lent!
Barbara McMullen, CDP
WPC Executive Director
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