Nancy Sylvester, IHM, is the speaker for our WPC Providence Event on February 20, 2021. This is a virtual Event and it is free for any Sister who is a member of our Women of Providence in Collaboration. It is also open to all WPC Associates for a minimal fee. See our website for the full registration packet of materials.
I want to share with you what Nancy plans to do in her presentations. In her first segment she plans to open up the understanding of justice as core to who we say being Providence today and what that entails. She also plans to put this into the context of what is happening in our country and the world.
Her second presentation is still evolving but she plans to explore how our understanding of “Being Providence”, using insights of quantum physics and evolution, will bring Providence to the heart of radical hope. From these presentations she will challenge us to perceive what may be the invitation to the Sisters of Providence emerging from that place.
This promises to be a Providence Event that really looks at the world, justice and hope through the lens of Providence and calls us forth as a group of Providence Sisters and Associates to meet the signs of the times. Are you ready to explore how you can bring your particular part of the charism to the world today? Join us!
Barbara McMullen, CDP
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