We joyfully and gratefully received the letter and the Decree of Approval of our revised Constitutions and Rules on July 20, 2018. The decree was signed by Archbishop José Rodríguez Carballo, OFM, Secretary of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life (CICLSAL). We give thanks to our Provident God for guiding us in this important journey for our Congregation. What a special gift for our 175th anniversary.
Let me briefly recap our journey. On July 21, 2017, the General Chapter accepted the revised Constitutions and Rules and gave the mandate to the General Leadership Team to give priority to the Constitutions and to take all necessary steps to obtain the required approval from the Holy See.
A Redaction Committee, formed by Sisters Mary Kaye Nealen, Alba Letelier and Claudette Leroux, was appointed and Father Francis Morrisey, OMI, and Sister Beverly Dunn, SP, acted as canonical consultants. The members of the Committee made some changes to the version presented to the General Chapter, consistent with the suggestions of the Chapter members. The Committee worked simultaneously with the French, English and Spanish versions in order to ensure consistency.
After the process of about a year, and the subsequent approval of our Constitutions by the Holy See, we express our profound appreciation to the Redaction Committee and to all those who contributed to this goal. The journey began with discussions on the 1985 Constitutions in all local communities of the Congregation. For us, the Constitution is a sacred document that guides our way of life as women of Providence, following in the footsteps of Jesus, St. Vincent de Paul, Blessed Emilie Gamelin, Mother Bernarda, Mother Joseph and all our dear sisters who came before us.
Providence of God, we believe in you; we hope in you; we love you with all our hearts; we thank you for all.
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