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Women of Providence in Collaboration Associate Leadership Virtual Conference All Associates and Sisters are welcome Join us for this wonderful opportunity to reconnect! Wednesday, September 13, 2023 10:00 am – 5:00 pm (eastern) // 9:00 am -4:00 pm (central) OUR FUTURE, OUR COMMUNITY HOW DO WE GET FROM HERE TO THERE? For more information, registration and schedule follow the event page [...]
I had an opportunity to present at a Coffee & Contemplation series at the Sisters of the Humility of Mary’s Villa Maria Education and Spirituality Center. I spoke about how Ash Wednesday reminds us that we need to clean our hearts of that which holds us back from being willing to move forward. The winter months in northeastern Ohio [...]
This is a reflection on the fourth week of Advent as we sing in the last week of Advent the O Antiphons into Christmas and celebrate the child in a manger. There is a beautiful simple phrase within “O Holy Night,” one of my favorite hymns, and I think it really speaks to us today as it did when it [...]
As we enter this Advent season, the 2022 Advent Reflections is our Advent publication with words from contributors to the Women of Providence publications. Here is an excerpt for the first week of Advent: Hope ~Esperanza Providence Reflections We remain vigilant and awake in these uncertain times of war and deconstruction of structures that need to find a common ground. [...]
“We come together to share and promote the evolving theology and spirituality of Providence, witnessing a preferential option for the poor as we respond to the needs of our global society.”
The WPC Board meeting in April, hosted by the Sisters of Providence at the Woods, was not without some travel challenges. Some flights were canceled, others had travel restrictions, and a funeral prevented the full cohort from being in attendance. However, those present continued the work of the Board. The Women of Providence Board of Directors met March 31-April 2, [...]
Providence Spiritual Outreach (PROSO) is a new ministry of the Sisters of Divine Providence from San Antonio, TX and in collaboration with the Sisters of Divine Providence, Allison Park, PA. In this article Sr. Joyce Detzel, Director of PROSO, gives further explanations. This coming Fall it will be housed in Kearns Spirituality Center in Allison Park. Providence Spiritual Outreach (PROSO) [...]
Providence Associates are a growing group in each of the WPC member congregations. The Associates from St. Mary-of-the-Woods, IN are one example. See what’s new with them in this article. Providence Associates and Sisters of Providence gathered March 11-13 for the Providence Community spring retreat. Thirty people participated in person at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods and 47 participated virtually via livestream. All [...]
Sr. Yvette Renaud, a Sister of Providence from Montreal, tells us all about the grand celebration of the Sisters of Our Lady of Seven Dolors. It was quite the tribute and party to celebrate a wonderful ministry. For this beautiful celebration, on March 27, we were able to count on the presence of several guests, including the SNDD sisters: Fernande [...]
The Associates of the Sisters of Divine Providence of Melbourne, KY are very busy practicing the spiritual and corporal works of mercy. Practice of the spiritual and corporal works of mercy are at the center of every CDP Associate’s commitment. Like the threads of a tapestry, each contributes to a richly embroidered, larger picture of God’s providence—alive, active, wrapping the [...]