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The Sisters of Divine Providence have operated Kearns Spirituality for a number of years. During the pandemic it had to close but now is seeing a new life and new programs. Kearns Spirituality Center, a facility that provides a space for spiritual nourishment and retreats, re-opened in March 2022 after a two-year closure due to the pandemic. Kearns is currently [...]
The Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul held a pre-chapter retreat in which they were encouraged to see themselves transforming into a new reality in a yet unknown future. Sounds familiar to many of us, I’m sure! See what Sr. Pauline Lally wrote about the experience. In the midst of this never-ending pandemic, we held a pre-chapter retreat [...]
WPC is happy to announce that the Board has hired a new WPC Executive Director, Mary Stanco, HM. Mary is a Humility of Mary Sister from Villa Maria, PA. Mary’s personal strengths and qualifications align with the needs and mission of the Women of Providence in Collaboration.
The Sisters of Providence in the Mother Joseph Province have approved construction of a facility to educate students in El Salvador and help to enrich the lives and generate jobs for people on the island. Since the mid-1990s, Sisters of Providence in El Salvador have enriched the lives of hundreds of students through the Providence Beca Program. In 2021, the [...]
Many of the WPC congregations have been involved in advancing the Laudato Si’ encyclical of Pope Francis. Here is an article that tells of a River Witness along the Wabash River in Indiana. Dr. Ann Scholz, SSND, extended an invitation to LCWR Region 4 members across the country to join them in a public “River Witness” on March 14 as a way [...]
The Providence Justice Collaborative of the Women of Providence is a relatively new sub group of WPC. It is comprised of the Justice Promoters of the WPC member congregations, sometimes known as the JPIC–Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation Director. In the short time they have been together as a group they sponsored a workshop on the Doctrine of Discovery [...]
Today is the 4th of July, the day we Americans celebrate Independence Day. We remember that 246 years ago we gained our independence from Great Britain. Today I hope that many Americans will take the opportunity to thank God for the abundant and providential blessings we have received in our country. When we look around the world, unfortunately, we see [...]
The Sisters of Providence of Mother Joseph Province in Seattle, WA have a mission in Camaroon. From there came Sr. Maria-Therese Gnamazo who now wishes to help discern and nurture vocations in her own hometown. Here is what she shares about that hope. Nothing unusual about a Sister of Providence helping young women discern their vocations. But for Sister Marie-Thérèse [...]
The Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul in Kingston, Ontario, Canada share stories of the past and present as well as hope for the future. Sr. Jeannette Filthaut, SP writes about this special celebration in the following article. We have lived the Charism and Mission for over 160 years, since our founding in Kingston, Ontario by Sisters of [...]
The Sisters of Providence of St. Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana elected a new leadership team at their 40th Chapter meetings. Sister Dawn Tomaszewski, SP, was re-elected as General Superior of the Congregation. Sister Jeanne Hagelskamp, SP, will continue serving in leadership as she was elected Vicar/General Treasurer. Elected as General Councilors were Sister Laura Parker, SP, Sister Anne Therese Falkenstein, SP and [...]