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    In this blog I am sharing with all of you excerpts from a letter we received from our Congregational Leader, Sr. Maria Fest, for the feast of Holy Trinity.  It is also the day our Congregational Chapter will begin and so I am also asking you for prayers for our community.  Please pray that the Holy Spirit will guide all [...]

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    WPC is happy to announce that the Board has hired a new WPC Executive Director, Mary Stanco, HM. Mary is a Humility of Mary Sister from Villa Maria, PA. Mary’s personal strengths and qualifications align with the needs and mission of the Women of Providence in Collaboration.

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    Today we celebrate Memorial Day.  The day when we take time to remember our fallen military heroes and to say thank you for their sacrifice.  Many people this weekend may visit a cemetery to place flowers on the grave of one of their loved ones who died in our nation’s wars or other military actions. In some places, like Arlington [...]

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    The Sisters of Providence at St. Mary of the Woods, IN witnessed eighteen women and men make commitments as Providence Associates last Fall with plenty of others on the way!  This article comes from Jason Moon, who works in their Mission Advancement Office. “Eighteen people recently deepened their relationships with the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana. On Saturday, [...]

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    The Women of Providence in Collaboration support the LCWR statement about the mass shooting in Ulvade, Texas and join with others who say “Enough is Enough”!  Our hearts are broken at the loss of innocent children’s lives as well as the brave teachers who died trying to protect them.   The LCWR statement made on Wed, 2022-05-25 15:56 by asanders “Our [...]

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    The Women of Providence in Collaboration join with LCWR in the pledge to work toward ending racism and white supremacy and to stop gun violence.  We abhor the killing that took place in Buffalo, New York.  The taking of any lives matter…and so we support the following LCWR statement: Violence and White Supremacy Cannot Stand Wed, 2022-05-18 07:49 by asanders [...]

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    Providential moments happen all the time…the best thing about them is when we actually “see” them and take action.  This story, which comes from the Sisters of Providence in Holyoke, MA, is indeed a story of seeing a need and taking action. One might say it was Providential when Marjorie Norman, executive assistant to the President of the Sisters of [...]

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    The Associates of the Sisters of Providence in Montreal, who are from Chile, share with us some of their reflections on being an associate and what inspires them.   The Providence Associates (PA) are people from different backgrounds and their Mission covers nine countries: Canada, the United States, El Salvador, Haiti, Chile, Argentina, the Philippines, Cameroon, and Egypt. All our members [...]

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    The Sisters of Providence in Kingston, Ontario, Canada share with us a story about their desire for Truth and Reconciliation.  Sister Una Byrne writes about what they did on the first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation to honor their indigenous brothers and sisters.   On September 30, the first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, we chose to bring into [...]

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    The Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul, in Kingston, Ontario have left a wonderful legacy for both children and seniors in the Kingston civic community.  This article was written by Tina Bailey, Executive Director of the Community Foundation for Kingston and Area.   “It was with both gratitude and excitement, shared by everyone present, that Community Foundation for Kingston [...]