This Sister of Providence proves that hard work, determination, and perseverance is part of the call to being a Woman of Providence.  In the Scriptures we hear:  Whom shall I send?  Who will go for us?  Here I am, I said; send me. (Isaiah 6:8).  And Sr. Nagwa Gameel said just that–here I am, send me.

(text translated from the original in French)

It is a pleasure for me to express my deep gratitude to God, after three years of demanding work at the University of Notre Dame of Haïti, God who has granted me health, perseverance and courage. Nothing is easy in life, especially when you do not know the culture, the people and the language very well, but Providence is always at work. I have met good people along the way and this has helped me to face the difficulties I have encountered. Studying in a country different from mine is quite an adventure. As Pope Francis says, “if you want to go fast, work alone, but if you want to go far, work with others.”   Here is what I experienced during these three years at university, always with my classmates. We have walked together as brothers and sisters. Our professors were excellent counselors and friends. Thank you, Lord!

The first week at the university, I realized that I could not speak or read French properly. This was an obstacle to my education, especially in science classes, because I had to write down the professor’s long and difficult scientific explanations and expressions. I thought about giving up the university, but my classmates encouraged me and said: “Give yourself a chance.” At present, I have finished my studies and I defended my thesis between December 1st and 8th on the following topic: “The Importance of Didactic Materials as a Method of Teaching and Learning in the Third Cycle of Elementary School.” 

I will never forget the third year, as several changes and regulations due to coronavirus disrupted our program and activities. I have experienced bereavement in my dear family, but I kept courage, because God grants the graces. Here is a message from the employees of our two houses, who thanked the Community of the Sisters of Providence for their quality of presence and their way of keeping in touch with them during the coronavirus.

They felt supported, loved and encouraged. For the past months, I have been teaching biology and catechism classes. With the students, we have made liquid dish soap, cards and other things as manual work. I participated in a spirituality program with the Jesuits to nourish my faith and to learn more about accompanying young people either individually or in groups. Providence of God, I thank you for all!

I can’t imagine studying in a language that is not my own, especially in something as complex as science.  Yet she not only persevered but excelled and completed her thesis!  Well done Sister!  

Barbara McMullen, CDP



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