Recently I learned that St. Isidore of Seville, bishop and doctor of the Church, was the patron saint of the Internet.  St. John Paul II made this declaration in 1997 over 1300 years after Isidore had died.  Apparently in the 600’s when St. Isidore of Seville lived, theology was mostly a monastic affair, due to the fact that many people could not read at that time and the resources were readily available there at the monastery.

St. Isidore compiled an encyclopedia of universal knowledge, requiring 20 volumes.  Contemporary scholars described it as “practically everything that is necessary to know.”  Even today it is still highly regarded. Evidently he is noted for his untiring efforts to spread God’s word to the world.

One of his famous quotes is what really caught my attention.  “If a man (or a woman) wants to be always in God’s company, he (or she) must pray regularly and read regularly.  When we pray, we talk to God; when we read, God talks to us.”

The Scriptures can talk to us if we read them and are truly open to their meaning in our own lives today.  In addition, it made me think of all the other resources we have at our disposal today to help us in our spiritual life.  During Lent or Advent there are always various reflection/meditation books available that may contain a message God wishes to speak to us.  Spiritual reflection books nourish our souls and often carry God’s “talking” to us.  Resources, like the papal encyclical, Laudato Si, can also be a challenging “conversation” God wishes to have with us.  Providence Sisters and Associates are always encouraged to read on the current issues of our day and listen for God speaking to us about what courageous actions we are called to risk undertaking.  

Many of the Women of Providence publications offer a very good read and I invite you to browse the SHOP on our website.  Peruse the offerings you find there, and ask the patron saint of the Internet to lead you to just the right resource to nourish your spirit.  By all means, pray–talk to God; and read–listen to God talking to you!

Barbara McMullen, CDP

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