
This book is designed to put the words of theology with the experiences of Providence the women writers have known over many years.  Eleven of the articles are written by Women of Providence from the congregations that belong to WPC.  Six other authors offer their insights into providence theology and spirituality.

1991- Keeping Providence is a phrase derived from the heart and the thought of Julian of Norwich. Those who choose to keep providence do so both by holding sacred during all of the sweeps of life’s motions, the meanings which providence awakens in them, and by acting as agents of providence working to change circumstances which are chaotic and threatening to the well being of humankind.

We recognize the random and the disordered in all places in our world. We know the times to be within the overarching reach of providence, yet we suffer with our sisters and brothers as we struggle to bring meaning into situations which defy our best efforts at making sense of them. Our thoughts represent a portion of the multicultural reality of our world.

Weight 8 oz
Dimensions 7.5 × 10.5 × .25 in

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