
Free resource for Lent prayer services. As followers of Jesus we want to integrate his values into our own, live the beatitudes more fully, listen with the ear of our hearts to the words of Scripture this Lenten season. When we do this we have an immense potential for knowing God. When we learn how to deeply listen we can hear the voice of our Provident God speaking to us. This is the God who has called us as His own, who has redeemed us, and who wants to fill our life with graced possibilities for the future.


Free Downloadable: 2021 WPC Lenten Services

In the hopefully waning months of the pandemic, WPC offers six prayer services, one for each week of Lent, and a brief reflection for Ash Wednesday. The format is the same for all six prayer services, but each one has a different “food for thought” excerpt from Joan Chittister, OSB, and her Lent 2021 pamphlet. The psalms to pray use the Nan Merrill translations. Each concludes with a “providence reflection” by one of
our own providence people and reflection questions to consider.



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