Sister Charlene Wedelich has led a storied life as a Sister of Divine Providence. She came to Our Lady of the Lake Convent Center in the mid 1950s having already received her Bachelor Degree in Humanities from St. Thomas University in Houston, TX. She often speaks of life as a pre-novice, and the duties she had that are so very different today.

During her formation for religious life, she learned that the Oblates had a long history of collaboration with the Sisters of Divine Providence. They provided chaplains for the sisters, and in 1903, Father Henry Constantineau,  OMI, founded the theological and philosophical school that survives today as Oblate School of Theology. He also served as the sisters’ ecclesiastical superior, the first President of Our Lady of the Lake College and helped them become recognized as a pontifical congregation in 1912. As a young CDP Sister Charlene taught in elementary and high schools in Louisiana and Oklahoma. She answered the call to return to San Antonio in 1967 to become the Director of Postulants and then of Formation at Moye Formation Center in Castroville, TX. She served as the Superior General of the Congregation for two terms from 1973-1981. Sister Charlene has introduced many people to the Congregation of Divine Providence through her devotion to Spiritual Direction so it was a natural fit when Sister Charlene became the Director of Mission Support in 2006, stepping into a position generally held by a lay person. With her commitment to her Congregation and a vast network of friends, she was a perfect fit for the position! Let’s face it. Sister Charlene knows everyone!

Prior to her service as Director of Mission Support, Sister Charlene spent many years focused on bringing new vocations to the Diocese and to the Congregation of Divine Providence as the Vicar of Religious for the Archdiocese of San Antonio. It was during this time Sister Charlene was asked to act in the capacity of Papal Visit Office Administrative Assistant for Pope John Paul II visit in 1987.

Sister has received many awards and recognitions of her work for the Congregation and Archdiocese. Sister Charlene will be honored at a dinner on April 18th for her many years of committed service to the Oblate School of Theology Board of Trustees from 1982-2004.

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