A Willing Spirit Sustain in Me…Psalm 51

  I had an opportunity to present at a Coffee & Contemplation series at the Sisters of the Humility of Mary's Villa Maria Education and Spirituality Center.  I spoke about how Ash Wednesday reminds us that we need to clean our hearts of that which holds us back from being willing to move forward.  The winter months in northeastern Ohio [...]

By |2023-02-23T00:29:59-06:00February 22, 2023|What's New, WPC news|Comments Off on A Willing Spirit Sustain in Me…Psalm 51

A Hopeful Christmas Blessing

This is a reflection on the fourth week of Advent as we sing in the last week of Advent the O Antiphons into Christmas and celebrate the child in a manger.    There is a beautiful simple phrase within “O Holy Night,” one of my favorite hymns, and I think it really speaks to us today as it did when it [...]

By |2022-12-20T10:20:19-06:00December 20, 2022|What's New, WPC news|Comments Off on A Hopeful Christmas Blessing

Blessings for Advent 2022

As we enter this Advent season, the 2022 Advent Reflections is our Advent publication with words from contributors to the Women of Providence publications.  Here is an excerpt for the first week of Advent: Hope ~Esperanza Providence Reflections We remain vigilant and awake in these uncertain times of war and deconstruction of structures that need to find a common ground. [...]

By |2022-11-28T21:27:17-06:00November 28, 2022|What's New, WPC news|Comments Off on Blessings for Advent 2022
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