WPC Newsletter Fall 2022
“We come together to share and promote the evolving theology and spirituality of Providence, witnessing a preferential option for the poor as we respond to the needs of our global society.”
“We come together to share and promote the evolving theology and spirituality of Providence, witnessing a preferential option for the poor as we respond to the needs of our global society.”
WPC is happy to announce that the Board has hired a new WPC Executive Director, Mary Stanco, HM. Mary is a Humility of Mary Sister from Villa Maria, PA. Mary’s personal strengths and qualifications align with the needs and mission of the Women of Providence in Collaboration.
Our Winter 2022 Newsletter is now available with many stories from our congregations. In August, Sister Barbara McMullen will leave her post as Executive Director of Women of Providence. A search is underway for a Sister or Associate who can take the reins and lead us into the future. See the job description at https://www.wpcweb.org/executive-director/
The season of Autumn is here but on days of 90 degrees here in the Metro-St. Louis area, it’s a bit hard to believe. Our weather people assure us, though, that cooler temps are coming! I truly enjoy all four seasons as experienced here in the Midwest, but Autumn certainly brings beauty in its colors of bright reds, oranges and [...]
This issue of Collaboration, with its wonderful stories of Providence women and their various ministries, gives testimony that there are indeed positive things happening all around us if we but look and listen. These stories show us there is hope even amid situations that might be very dire. As Providence people, a strong faith and trust gives us the courage [...]
n this Fall issue are stories that speak of the sanctity of life amid the federal executions beginning again in our nation, as well as statements on racism, awards for justice work on a myriad of issues, and involvement with children in poorer areas of our country. There are joyful stories as professions of vows were made in several communities, [...]
Women of Providence Spring 2020 newsletter features wonderful stories of how Providence Sisters and their Associates have been responding to the needs of people during the pandemic. Not at all surprising because when it comes to meeting the needs of the day and its people—Providence Sisters are there! Whether it is through prayer, making masks or stocking food pantries, we [...]