Retreat: Healing from Sexual Abuse, a Retreat for Women Religious

Friday, March 6 (1 p.m) to Sunday, March 8 (2 p.m.) This retreat at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods is for Women Religious who have experienced any type of sexual abuse or trauma. Presented by Rachel Waltz, DNB, APRN-BC an a team that will focus on healing and empowerment. One-on-one counseling will be available for those in need of support. It is advisable [...]

By |2020-02-13T15:10:22-06:00February 14, 2020|*SP St.-Mary-of-the-Woods*, What's New|Comments Off on Retreat: Healing from Sexual Abuse, a Retreat for Women Religious

Sisters of Providence Welcome New Associates

The Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary of the Woods, Indiana, welcomed 23 new Providence Associates at the Rite of First Commitment on November 10, 2018. At the same time, 45 associates renewed their commitment. Following the commitment ceremony a reception was held to celebrate with family, friends, associates and Sisters of Providence as our Providence Community continues to grow. [...]

By |2019-01-10T13:24:18-06:00January 10, 2019|*SP St.-Mary-of-the-Woods*, Associates, What's New|Comments Off on Sisters of Providence Welcome New Associates

WPC Executive Committee Enjoys Hermitages

Members of the WPC Executive Committee were treated to unusual accommodations for their meeting Nov. 3-4, 2018.  Host, Sr. Dawn Tomaszewski, reserved individual hermitages for three of the four members. These hermitages are located on the property of the Sisters of Providence at St. Mary of the Woods, IN.   Here members enjoyed beautiful sunrises, quiet surroundings, and wonderful rest after [...]

By |2018-11-09T10:20:29-06:00November 10, 2018|WPC news|Comments Off on WPC Executive Committee Enjoys Hermitages

Sister My Huong Pham Transfers Perpetual Vows

Sister My Huong Pham finally feels at home. “I feel bold and official,” she said, “a Sister of Providence.” For Sister My Huong, a process that began three years ago came to completion on Sunday, February 25. On that day, Sister My  Huong transferred her perpetual vows to the  Congregation of the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, during liturgy [...]

By |2018-09-22T14:03:44-05:00September 9, 2018|*SP St.-Mary-of-the-Woods*, Spotlight|Comments Off on Sister My Huong Pham Transfers Perpetual Vows
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