What Is Providence?

the name of God that expresses
God’s love and care for all creation

Providence is that name of God that expresses God’s love and care for all creation.

Providence brings the motions of human existence into meaning.

God’s care for us, God’s providing, does not mean that we just wait for God to act.

We are called to be co-creators with God, to further God’s loving designs for hope and healing.

But God does not have a master design for us and all creation that we must discover.

God’s desire for each of us is that we reach our full potential and live in right relationship with God, self, others, and the Universe.

God does not cause evil, even though God does know how to work in and through evil and suffering and will be with us no matter what happens.

In this world, all tragedy, pain and horror cannot be completely eliminated, but trust in Providence means we are confident we do have a role in diminishing them.

We further God’s loving designs, content to know what we have to do with creating and sustaining the harmony, unity and community toward which Providence lures us.

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Providence in my life

We may contact you for permission to include your story in future materials.

“Perhaps Providence spirituality is best understood

by seeing it lived by people who, in their own lives, are compassionate and just. This is how you can ‘be Providence’ to each other and to your students, thus carrying forward into the future the Sisters’ spirit of trust in Divine Providence.”

Sister Ruth McGoldrick, SP
Talk on “Providence Spirituality,”
WPC Newsletter Winter 2015

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