FOR A FREE DOWNLOADABLE PRAYER SERVICE, CLICK THE LINK IN THE DESCRIPTION TAB BELOW Lent is a journey, a process of growth, a time of entering into sacred inner space. It’s the season where we spend time in loving relationship with our God. For the Women of Providence it is a time where we look at the value of growth in our lives and the learnings we have gained.
As our time gets filled with events and shopping and get-togethers with our families and friends, may we also find the time to sit quietly, experiencing the inner rhythm of God in our lives. May the grace of this Advent season prepare our hearts once again to celebrate the birth of Jesus who brings light and life to the world. Come, Emmanuel! FOR A FREE DOWNLOADABLE PRAYER SERVICE, CLICK THE LINK IN THE DESCRIPTION TAB BELOW
Free resource for Lent prayer services. As followers of Jesus we want to integrate his values into our own, live the beatitudes more fully, listen with the ear of our hearts to the words of Scripture this Lenten season. When we do this we have an immense potential for knowing God. When we learn how to deeply listen we can hear the voice of our Provident God speaking to us. This is the God who has called us as His own, who has redeemed us, and who wants to fill our life with graced possibilities for the future. FOR A FREE DOWNLOADABLE PRAYER SERVICE, CLICK THIS LINK
Free resource for Lent prayer services. As followers of Jesus we want to integrate his values into our own, live the beatitudes more fully, listen with the ear of our hearts to the words of Scripture this Lenten season. When we do this we have an immense potential for knowing God. When we learn how to deeply listen we can hear the voice of our Provident God speaking to us. This is the God who has called us as His own, who has redeemed us, and who wants to fill our life with graced possibilities for the future. FOR A FREE DOWNLOADABLE PRAYER SERVICE, CLICK THIS LINK
May each of us, like Mary, be that vessel, that disciple that “gestates faith, God’s promise, into real flesh! FOR A FREE DOWNLOADABLE PRAYER SERVICE, CLICK THE LINK IN THE DESCRIPTION TAB BELOW
Advent challenges us to be prophets for the Messiah; to be joyful proclaimers of his Word We are called to make the barren desert new—places of welcome, inclusion, reconciliation for the forgotten, the hurting, the least among us—so that others can behold the presence of Emmanuel, God-with-us! FOR A FREE DOWNLOADABLE PRAYER SERVICE, CLICK THE LINK IN THE DESCRIPTION TAB BELOW
Our Provident God invites each of us to listen and to be open to the invitations God will send us. For they will surely come at any moment, anywhere, anytime. If our hearts are ready for this invasion of grace we will find new seeds of life nurturing our spirit and taking us to the depths of divine mystery. May you discover an abundance of blessings in your springtime of Lent, 2022 FOR A FREE DOWNLOADABLE PRAYER SERVICE, CLICK THE LINK IN THE DESCRIPTION TAB BELOW
The Cosmos Within the Providence Dance, the proceedings of the Women of Providence in Collaboration's Providence Event 2005. This publication contains the history of WPC, the 25th special anniversary memories and full papers from the three presenters: Barbara Doherty, SP, Lucy Zientek, CDP, and Christine Morkovsky, CDP.